Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Updated photo

OMG!, Jan and Lee Hermann came by today to buy some eggs and gave me a few photos he took while out flying his plane. It's outstanding! You can see all the new mews, the red additions to the blue buildings, plus the added chicken house attached to the left of the old one.

Unfortunately weather hasn't been a good friend in the past years so a lot of my original windbreak has died. And this year we had such a long wet Spring that the weeds took over. I had a great fellow, Mike, come over with his tractor and mower to get down the tall stuff near the house and drive but the fields are still waist high. My little lawnmower can only do so much but I keep at it.

Thanks to the Hermanns for taking these photos every so often so I can share with everyone the constantly changing face of IBR.

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