Saturday, July 2, 2011

Getting older and bolder

Here's the most recent photo of the baby ferruginous hawks. As you can see they have been venturing out of the nest. The one on top of the rock and the one straight below the nest are the boldest. The one in the nest is, I believe, one of the parents so I have no idea where the other two chicks are. Probably either laying down in the nest or in a hidey hole to the right of it.

I did have a heart stopping moment when I was looking at them. All of a sudden one bird took off and I was sure it was a baby. After banking around so I could see the underside I realized it was a parent I'd not seen, probably way back in the nest. As I was below them I couldn't see it.

Tomorrow is Independence Day, wonder if any of these chicks will decide that's the day to become just that, sort of.

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