Sunday, July 31, 2011

They're gone...

Today I released both BUMP and DITTO, the GHOs I got in as two week old nestlings. They proved they were ready to go but in a dramatic way. Two days ago when I was in their pen I ducked under a perch just as a bird flew overhead. I didn't give it any thought until this morning. I was again in their pen and picking up a piece of a rat they didn't finish during the night. This time that same bird flew over but struck me in the back of the head. For a second I had his talons imbedded in my scalp, not a fun thing to have happen.

I've never had such an aggressive owl here so was taken completely by surprise by this attack. Needless to say, I drove them to a marvelous habitat full of large cottonwoods, evergreens and even a river in the area. I got a couple photos, don't know which is which, and they were quick so one is very blurry. Hopefully they will use that attitude and live long lives.

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