Monday, August 16, 2010

Sad moment

Today I learned that PUNCH, the father of my dog, SOPHIE, has died. He wasn't a very old fellow but he had worked very hard all his life on his owners ranch in Pinedale. He is half Border Collie and half Bearded Collie and all dog. SOPHIE's mom, MADDIE, is a purebred Pembroke Welsh Corgi, a tri-color. My dog got everything from her mom but her nose and hair, those came straight from her dad.

Two of the photos were taken a few years ago but you can see just what a handcome fellow he is and his sense of humor. The top two were taken during his "last roundup", literally. It was at the May branding and he was busy doing his job as always. Everyone will miss you.


  1. Susan,

    How sweet of you to post something on your website about our sweet Punchie dog. Yes, he was a handsome fellow with a sense of humor - definitely had more character than any other dog we've ever had. And, yes, we miss him - a LOT!!!


  2. Rhonda, I never met PUNCH in person but would hear stories about him from Tiffany so felt he was a friend. And his daughter is such a joy in my life, can't imagine being without her.

  3. Yeah, Tiff liked to talk about the funny little guy. He would have been your friend. Anyone who would pet or pay attention to him was a real budy! I'm glad you like and enjoy Sophie so much.
