Saturday, October 2, 2010

Come into my parlor...

Well, the "great room" such as it is. The top photo is what you see when you come to my front door. The bottom is what you see when you open that door. Needless to say I'm about ready for winter to arrive. My sunroom is 10'x20' and can hold four cords of wood leaving room to use the door. I call it the most expensive woodbox in the state.

I obviously heat with wood and in years past I went to the mountain with a friend, cut down the trees, cut it to length, hand split it with a 16 lb. maul, stacked it and then brought it inside to burn. My wood heated me five times. Now that I'm considered elderly (altho I don't feel that way) I have the wood delivered already split. I only have to stack it as you see in the photos. I've been in this house for 26 years and love my wood stove, I wouldn't have any other heating system.


  1. I see you got it all in there !! You could resell that wood as kiln dried after being in the sun room for a while !

  2. Wow, now you have to walk th rough a hall of wood to get inside! Looks like you'll keep warm this winter.
