Saturday, June 18, 2011

Interspecies relationship

A week or so ago I received a call from some people who had found two baby birds after their nest tree fell down. When I got there I realized they were either Mourning or Eurasian Collared doves. These chicks are extremely hard to raise as their feeding is done much differently than most all other birds.

At the same time, in my free flight aviary, I have a white domestic dove who has been setting for, well, forever. Not laying eggs, just sitting in a corner. I decided to try an experiment and gave these two baby birds to her. She was a bit confused to begin with but she decided they were actually hers and has done a wonderful job in raising them so far.

When they arrived there was some fluffy down on the chicks but that's all. I guessed they were probably only a couple days old. As you can see from the above photo, they are looking very much like a wild dove and will consequently be released back outside when ready.

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