Thursday, April 7, 2011

They're baaaaaaaaack !

I didn't think these little guys would be out of their hibernation yet but they are. I tried a few days ago to get a photo but the camera battery was dead. Finally everything co-operated and I got the shot. Unfortunately it's through a window but this little chipmunk is sitting on the side of my log house watching the world go by and trying to decide if he wants to climb down and get a drink in the water pan.

My dogs go absoulutely nuts when they see one of these tiny rodents and have, a time or two, actually caught one. At one time I tried to remove them from around the house but the score was chipmunk 123+-, Susan 1 so I gave up and we all just live in harmony. I even have a short sided water pan out near my mews so they don't have to go so far for a drink.


  1. you are definately kinder then me and my pack would be to the little monsters. But I'm sure your karma is much better than mine also!

  2. I love chipmunks! The are so cute, and so much fun to watch. We have a lot in Michigan, and when I throw out the seed that my parrot chooses not to eat, they scurry over and fill their little cheeks to store it away for the winter. One year we handed out peanuts to chipmunks and blue jays, and we had one that could fit 5 peanuts in his mouth at one time! Two in each cheek, and another in his mouth. this is a great chipmunk photo.
