Today I drove south to Riverton to pick up a year old male golden eagle I've named HERO. Altho he was found on a roadkill near the small town of Superior, he was taken to Dr. Kevin O'Neall in Green River about a week ago when he didn't fly away as a vehicle drove by him. Thank goodness for Janet Britt, a fellow rehabber who lives in Riverton and has willingly driven the three or four hours to Green River to pick up birds and bring them to her facility. Then I only have the three hour drive to her house.
This young bird is in good weight but his feather condition, as you can see, is horrible. I have no idea why he wouldn't fly so he'll stay here until I'm sure there's nothing wrong with him. Shortly after I put him in his mew I gave him a small rabbit. In an hour it was all gone but some scraps. I guess appetite isn't one of his problems. I'll keep you updated on his progress.
He looks a little bedraggled, hopehekeeps eating well.