Saturday, May 29, 2010


One of the first non-raptors to come to IBR this year. This baby black-billed magpie was one of a litter of four, all the others died for some reason. The person who brought the baby to me said that magpies have been nesting near her house for years but this time something happened. She hadn't seen the parents for a while when she found the dead young and this one survivor. I have lots of magpies living around my house so when he's old enough I'll just release him here or take him back to his home territory. I haven't thought of a name but then I don't know if this is a male or female. Any suggestions?


  1. Wow, that's a cute little guy ! What is he eating ? You don't get many magpies, do you ?

  2. I would call him Lucky---

    Lucky to have outlived his siblings, lucky to have been found and brought to you.

    What a cutie! I have never seen a magpie chick.
