Saturday, May 29, 2010


Very few bald eagles come to IBR. I don't know why, either they're lucky in not getting hurt or are injured in places where they're not found. This handsome male was found up in Crandall. Larry and Linda saw him for a day and he'd not moved so they called Chris Queen, the Powell WGF warden. He transported the bird to IBR and helped me administer fluids just in case the bird was a bit dehydrated. LARRY's (the bird, not the human) attitude is typical bald eagle, cranky at all times. I tossed him a fresh rabbit but by the time I got back out to take this photo he'd not touched it. He isn't starving altho I'd like him to be a couple pounds heavier.

There was another adult near him and soaring overhead so it's a good bet he has a mate. Now the only question is if they have a nest in the area and are there babies in it. One is not known in the immediate area but there are a lot of large trees that didn't get burned in the '88 fires that could hold one. Of course this all happened on a Saturday afternoon so I can't get him to the vet til Monday to see if there's something wrong with his left wing. In the meantime he won't lack for groceries. As soon as he's able to return to the wild he'll go back to Crandall and his home territory.

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