His name is THOR and he's about the luckiest golden eagle on the planet. He is also the 12th golden that has arrived at IBR this year. The beginning of May, Wade Hoskin and his wife, Kellie, were driving along the Belfry Hiway behind a car and a semi. All of a sudden a large bird was hit by the car, tossed about 30' into the air and came down on the pavement. Wade stopped, gathered up the bird to move him to the side of the road and called the sheriffs office who contacted me to go out and see about picking up the pieces. When I got there, just about five miles north of Cody, they were standing beside a three year old male golden and had him covered with a jacket to keep him quiet. The most awesome part is that nothing was broken in the bird. Well, maybe his spirit a bit, but no bones, not even a feather.
It took two days for him to come back from the shock of it but in a couple days he finished the rabbit I gave him the day before and the cavy he got the next day. Thanks to these caring people this magnificent bird was back in the sky in about a week after he proved he could fly well and strong enough to go there. Thanks all for watching over THOR until I got there. Wade, Kellie, some of the Eagle Posse and wildlife photographer Matthew Riebel were there at the release.
Note: I’ve talked to the people in the front car who did stop but noted that Wade had also and conintued on their way with a completely smashed windsheild from contact with THOR. That makes it even more amazing that the bird wasn’t hurt.