Sunday, January 24, 2016


It seems that each weekend I get in a bird who has to go to the vet on Monday morning for an exam, xrays, etc. This weekend is no exception but for now at least this chubby Great Horned Owl doesn't seem to need that care. FISHER was found caught in a barbwire fence this morning at the Wyoming Trout Ranch. The person who rescued him said he had his wings and feet tangled up but the only wounds I can find are a minor one on his left foot and the leading edge of his left wing tip.

As you can see from this photo, he's not a happy camper. He's in excellent shape, weighs 51.5 ounces, and is very handsome. Hopefully his wounds will heal quickly and he can be taken back to where he was found. If he's old enough to have a mate then time is of the essence. GHO's are early nesters and will be starting to either look for an abandoned redtail or magpie nest, or going back to the one they used last year.

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