Today I received a call from Bill Robertson, the Greybull WG&F warden, saying he had a hawk he'd picked up that day after it had been found just standing in an alley in the middle of town. He wasn't sure what it was and when I picked it up I was also not sure of the species.
After looking at books I've about decided it's an immature female dark phase Red-tailed Hawk. She's not starving but thin and quickly scarfed down the three mice I put near her feet on the perch. I can't seen anything wrong with her but perhaps she just gave up because she'd been finding it harder and harder to find food. Sort of a Catch-22 problem; she can't be strong unless she finds food and she can't find food unless she's strong.
She will stay here until she's fattened up and again ready for life in the wild. That may mean wintering over to insure she will be alive and well in the new year.
Oh yes, her name is MOLLY BROWN because this problem will not sink her. And the paper behind her is to make cage cleaning easier as they seem to make it a point to poop in the corners. That stuff is hard to get off that area.
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