This is a photo of my California friend, Jenny Papka, during the recent inauguration of Jerry Brown as the new governor of the state. Jenny is the amazing person on the left side holding her Eagle Owl while talking with Mr. & Mrs. Brown. Check out the links section in the upper right (Native Birds Connections in CA) to see all about the facility she runs near San Francisco.
I met Jenny quite a few years ago when she took a Rough-legged Hawk from me to use in educational programs. Since then she's also received a Ferruginous Hawk, a Red-tailed Hawk and a Cooper's Hawk. She's the epitome of a "hawk whisperer" in that she has taken both the ferrug and the cooper's and has them sitting on her fist during the programs she presents to all ages. Both these species are very hard to handle but Jenny makes it look easy.
The top photo is at the shindig, Jenny with her Snowy Owl. Isn't she just beautiful?
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