Friday, August 6, 2010

Hawk Quest friend

This week, for three days, Kin Quitugua of Hawk Quest (see links) in Parker, CO is up in Cody doing live bird of prey programs at the BBHC. I've known Kin for a few years, he got a GHO and a saw-whet owl from me when we met and uses them in his programs. Altho he didn't bring the large owl this trip he did bring some amazing birds. The most amazing is his adult female bald eagle. She is the star of his show and is used in photographs with supporters of his organization. The photo above is me with Kin and his wonderful Harris Hawk. He uses her in free flying progams, she is a super bird and a great ambassador of her species. He also has with him this trip a barn owl, a female kestrel and a peregrine falcon. If you ever get a chance to see one of his programs I highly recommend them.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this group!!! The lecture was outstanding, the folks were all dedicated and enthusiastic. I had never seen a harris hawk before. What a beautiful and interesting bird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
