Last Thursday there was a bit of a scare concerning the baby kestrel, COOP. She'd been flying for a few days inside the 8'x 20' pen and doing well. Then that night, when I went out to put everything to bed I saw a baby kestrel sitting on top of the hawk barn. I don't have a clue as to how she managed to get out of her pen but there she was, kee keeing at me. I tried luring her within capture distance with a fresh mouse but she wouldn't come close enough. Then she flew to the owl barn roof and then the eagle barn roof. It was getting darker so I wished her safe for the night.
The next morning she was back on the owl barn roof but this time I got my extension ladder out and with mouse in hand, climbed up and walked towards her. She saw the food and immediately came rushing over for it. I wouldn't let go so I was able to drop a net over her. She's now back in the pen with some extra work done on making sure that doesn't happen again. I know I can't hold her little foot forever but she, and I, aren't quite ready for her to be flying free. I will hack her back from here in case she decides she needs some food support while she's learning how to feed herself. This photo was taken just a bit ago with her sitting up high and begging for her mouse. Is she cute or what?????
naughty naughty little girl ! I'm sure the cute look is her way of trying to beg forgiveness for scaring you !