Monday, March 8, 2010

Chicken update

This morning I found one survivor of the slaughter. She is hurt but still alive. Also, the game warden came out to investigate and found the scrape where the fox came under one section of fence. He also found four more bodies. That brings it to nine live, 12 dead and 12 missing. Needless to say, this is war.......

The photo is of eight of the survivors, the ninth is in a quiet place so I can deal with her injuries. Chickens being what they are I am afraid the others will pick on the hurt one. I now have five aracanas, three black astrolorps and one rhode island red.

1 comment:

  1. It is good that you have found a survivor. It would be great if more would turn up. I love foxes, but this can't be allowed. Glad the game warden is out investigating.
