That means "hit by car", or in this case by a truck. This adult female Golden Eagle, JESSIE, was very fortunate two days ago. Certainly not in the fact that she was hit by a truck but because the person stopped and he was being followed by another vehicle belonging to Rick and Terri Johnson. On Thanksgiving day they are the ones who called about a baby bald eagle that couldn't fly. (See post below on PRISCILLA). Because they watched just how I gathered up that bird they were able to rescue this golden and bring her to me.
JESSIE was hit very hard and is suffering from a fractured left humerus, was bleeding from her nostril and left ear and she was unable to stand up for more than a couple seconds. I immediately called the Lifetime Animal Hospital and Dr. Pedersen told me to bring her in for x-rays. She is scheduled for surgery to repair that break this afternoon. And I was pleasantly surprised to find the eagle standing this morning and walking around her cage. She even ate a meal early in the day along with the "medi-mouse" holding her pills.
NOTE: JESSIE came through the surgery with flying colors and was already standing when I got to the hospital to pick her up. She's now in her large inside cage in a heated room.