Feast or famine and right now the babies are arriving. The top photo is one of the two doves shown in an earlier post about grown and flying. They will be leaving in a week as they are eating under the supervision of their "mom".
Second photo is of a fledgling crow brought down from MT on Sunday after being found four weeks ago right in the middle of Billings. Unfortunately it's very easy to imprint a corvid and this one appears to be one. I'm just an interim stopping place on his way to live at the Beartooth Nature Center in Red Lodge. The finder was coming to Cody so dropped him off as I'm going to Red Lodge on Monday.
Number three is of two brancher black-billed magpies. Their parents were killed and after listening to these two cry for two days I was called to come rescue them. There were four babies in the nest, one had already died and another did so shortly after I gathered them up. These two are doing just fine so far but I'm hoping by living with the adult I have waiting to go to NC they will become wild again. As you can see from the one open mouth, they do beg for food from me.
And finally, five baby mallard ducklings that were found in a Cody backyard. Unfortunately the mom was scared off by a small child and left her ten babies behind. The people waited thinking she'd come back but she never did. By the time they went out to catch the ducklings only five were around. These babies don't need a parent to feed them but do need a mom for brooding at night and during the day from time to time. They're now under a warm light and doing well as I try to find an adult hen with babies the same age so I can foster these five.