Today my prairie falcon took off for a life of freedom. He's been flying in his larger mew just fine and I was going to put him into the 32'x 48' flight barn tomorrow. MIKHAIL had other ideas. When I went in to put his half quail on the feeding stump he was ready. As I opened the door he made a quick corner bank, tipped on his side and slipped through the small opening in the door. He was so fast that other than feeling a slight touch of wing tip to my head I wasn't sure what had happened. I looked around quickly, decided he really did fly out and stepped out the door to see where he went.
Wherever he went it was quick and fast as I never saw him again. That is until I returned from an eagle monitoring meeting at the museum. As I was driving down towards my house I spotted him sitting on top of the third power pole from my house. I was hoping he would stay there so I could get my camera and take his picture but he flew the minute I got under the pole.
You can't imagine how great I felt when seeing him launch away, both wings at full extension, with power and determination. He started soaring around and altho I was expecting him to just circle the area, he headed east. Hopefully he'll come back around tomorrow so I can toss out his uneaten half quail in case he's hungry. As he was hog fat when he left he is in good shape to continue on the rest of his life without my help. The photo is one I took of him in his first flight area.