As previously mentioned, I've been doing bird rehabilita-tion for over 23 years. In the beginning, and for most of that time, I took some non-releasable birds around to schools and groups for presentations. All of the birds used in this way cannot be released back to the wild for various reasons. This bird, a Great Horned Owl, is SEEDY, who just started his 18th year with me. He started out as a replacement for SNAP, my first school GHO. Then when I gave up my possession permit I had SEEDY transferred to my rehab permit as a foster parent. He is just about the best foster dad on the planet. He takes his job very seriously and when there are babies present with him he's much more dangerous than he usually is. Note that this bird is not a pet, never has been, and is just as dangerous now as he was 18 years ago. He is, however, handlable which helps in moving him around. SEEDY has successfully raised more than a dozen baby GHOs, all have been returned to the wild knowing just what they are in the scheme of things in their world. Thanks, old man.
As you can see, his left eye is solid grey. He ruptured his lens many years ago so is totally blind in that eye. He is also getting a cataract in his right eye but he still has good vision in it and has no trouble finding his food or a perch. The reason he came to IBR in the first place was a broken right wing from being hit by a car.